What is Naturopathic Medicine?
ND’s treat conditions which fall within the scope of general medical practice, welcoming patients from infancy to old age for a variety of acute and chronic problems. Where indicated in the diagnosis and treatment of a patient, cooperation with other physicians and health care professionals occur.
A key element to our success in helping patients is our thoroughness and attention to detail in finding the reasons why you got sick in the first place. Finding the reasons is the key to finding solutions that will work. Without understanding the core of your problem, the best we can hope for is just symptomatic relief. Regardless of what our patients are coming in for, whether it be for gastrointestinal or autoimmune treatment, mood disorders, or cancer support, your doctor will take the time to find the obstacles to restoring your health. Initial visits are usually one hour. The initial investigation usually involves reviewing your symptoms, looking over previous medical records, if any, getting to know you and your family's history, doing physical exams, and ordering and reviewing lab-work and test kits. The outcome of all this effort is improved understanding of you and your problem and the discovery of deep and lasting solutions.
As specialists in gastrointestinal health, our doctors treat Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome, heartburn, hemorrhoids, intestinal infections and other GI diseases. They perform a thorough investigation using the techniques of their naturopathic protocol. Hormones, immune function, stealth infections, biotoxins and organ function are all considered in discovering the true cause(s) of your problem. By finding the real source of your disease, our doctors help you take back your life.
Digestive support is key to achieving good treatment outcomes for a wide range of diseases such as cancer, autoimmune disease, addictions and mood disorders. Our doctors are experts in keeping you alive and healthy throughout your treatment process. They can use diet, natural supplements, herbs and other treatments to minimize side effects and maximize the benefits of necessary, life saving medications, especially when those life saving medications come with life threatening side effects.
Looking to learn how to live thin, happy and free? Bright Line Eating is a science-based weight loss program that focuses on finding your silver linings with flour, sugar, and meal quantities. It is not only about weight loss but of the science behind why we crave foods and the addictive nature behind it. Dr. Amy Seiberlich, a strong and successful advocate of Bright Line Eating, provides information and support for all patients wishing to find their own silver linings.